LandSmart® Grazing Private Lands
Wildfire Mitigation
Primary RCD
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
Lead Implementer
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
AmeriCorps , California State Coastal Conservancy, Private party, Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, Sonoma County, CA
Other Organizations
Fire Safe Sonoma, LandSmart, Sonoma Resource Conservation District, University of California Cooperative Extension - Sonoma County
Project Primary Contact
William Hart (
Project Stage
2021 - 2024
Forest Management
Wildfire Mitigation
Gold Ridge and Sonoma RCDs are partners in the LandSmart Grazing Program. This project supports interested neighbors or community groups to utilize grazing to reduce fuel load and make their communities safer in the face of wildfires. The goal is that exposure to this type of vegetation management and community support of grazing will add a cost effective and needed tool to manage vegetation not only to reduce fire risks but also to improve biodiversity and manage vegetation in a more carbon beneficial manner. The benefits to community cohesion, coordination and morale are anticipated to grow as the project process unfolds and more projects are implemented.
Key Accomplishments
- Fuels Reduction: 1,362.18 acres
- People Participating in Activity: 59
Project Themes
- Climate Change
- Education
- Forests and Fire
- Healthy Watersheds
Sheep at the OAEC
Credit: Brock Dolman
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $353,709.19
Landowner Cost Share (Private): $38,251
Grant (SCAPOSD): $275,682
Coastal Conservancy (SCC): $39,776
Goats and sheep at Ya Ka Ama (Timing: During)
Credit: WJH
Getting ready for the sheep to arrive (Timing: During)
Credit: Brock Dolman
Before and After Photos - Example 1 (Timing: After)
Credit: Kari Wester
Before and After - Example 2 (Timing: After)
Credit: Kari Wester
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Before and After Grazing Photos (Timing: After)
Credit: Sophia Pruden
Project last updated 11/21/2024