Upper Green Valley Creek Fish Passage Implementation Project
In-stream Habitat Restoration
Primary RCD
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
Lead Implementer
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
California Department of Fish & Wildlife, California Fish Passage Forum, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Project Primary Contact
John Green (john@goldridgercd.org)
Project Stage
2017 - 2018
Estimated Total Cost
Secured Funding
No Funding Source Identified Yet
Targeted Funding
Watershed Restoration
In-stream Habitat Restoration
The project seeks to address a significant instream fish passage barrier in upper Green Valley Creek and stabilize the grade through a 600-ft reach, thereby opening up an additional 4,810 ft of high quality rearing habitat for the creek’s critical coho salmon population and preserving the reach’s grade stability and floodplain connectivity.
The project design involves replacement of an undersized failing culvert and concrete debris, along with the abandoned upstream checkdam. A roughened channel through the new culvert and series of boulder weirs will be constructed to ensure fish passage through the reach, while the riparian area will be revegetated with native plants.
The project design involves replacement of an undersized failing culvert and concrete debris, along with the abandoned upstream checkdam. A roughened channel through the new culvert and series of boulder weirs will be constructed to ensure fish passage through the reach, while the riparian area will be revegetated with native plants.
Targeted Performance Measure
- Fish Passage Barrier Treatment: 2
- Stream Corridor Restored: 1,200.00 lf
Project Themes
- Education
- Wildlife/Endangered Species
- Groundwater
- Healthy Watersheds
new culvert and weirs
Credit: Jason Hoorn
$914,836.00 Secured Funding: Fisheries Restoration Grant P... (CDFW)
$30,089.00 Secured Funding: Grant (CFPF)
$30,000.00 Secured Funding: Russian River Coho Program (NFWF)
perched eroding culvert (Timing: Before)
Credit: Jason Hoorn
Project last updated 2/27/2023