Laguna de Santa Rosa Dairy Enhancement Project
Agricultural Lands Best Management Practices
Primary RCD
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
Lead Implementer
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
(Unknown or Unspecified Organization), California State Water Resources Control Board, Private party, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Other Organizations
Sonoma Resource Conservation District
Project Primary Contact
William Hart (
Project Stage
2015 - 2017
Water Quality Improvement
Agricultural Lands Best Management Practices
The Laguna de Santa Rosa Dairy Enhancement Project was a planning and implementation project that offered assistance to dairy livestock owners/managers within the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed. This project focused on protecting the Laguna de Santa Rosa from potential nutrient loading by engaging 92% of watershed dairies – 4,093 acres of the Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed – in nutrient management planning and implementation of prioritized projects. Specific goals included educating dairy livestock owners on nutrient management and other non-point source pollution prevention in their operations, developing comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMPs) with individual dairy operators in order to guide their management decisions and implementation of identified projects. The anticipated outcomes were to contribute to the long-term attainment and maintenance of water quality objectives primarily through nutrient management planning and implementation projects. These goals directly support the NPS Program Preference for identification and prioritization of potential restoration projects/sites that address nutrients and dissolved oxygen in the Laguna de Santa Rosa.
Key Accomplishments
- Agricultural Conservation Practice (ac.): 3,980.00 acres
- Nitrogen Reduction: 14,174.00 lbs
- Sediment Load Reduction: 1,274.00 tons
Project Themes
- Climate Change
- Education
- Healthy Watersheds
- Local Farms
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $1,061,255.00
Project last updated 2/27/2023