GHG Reduction (Annual)
Related Resource Area Association
Expected Performance Measure Results per Project
Reported Performance Measure Results per Project
Additional Information
Carbon Farm Plans: If this GHG Reduction is being used as part of a Carbon Farm Plan, please make sure to also use the following Performance Measure:
- Planning Document
See How to Enter a Carbon Farm for detailed guidance on how to select Performance Measures for a Carbon Farm Plan.
Forestry Projects: Use the separate Forestry GHG Reduction (Annual) Performance Measure instead of this one.
Updates Reminder: if the practice which is generating the GHG benefits (eg 808-Compost Application under Agriculture Conservation Practice (ac.)) provides multi-year carbon benefits, you will need to enter the GHG Reduction value for every year that application will sequester carbon. For example, on rangeland a one-time compost application will sequester carbon for 20 years. When you do an annual update for ongoing Projects in the Project Tracker, you will need to provide the GHG Reduction value for that ongoing benefits from previously-applied practices, plus any additional practices that may have completed since. See Carbon Farm Plan: Ocean Breeze Dairy for an example of a project whose GHG benefits have been correctly updated.
Associated PMs: Consider providing additional Performance Measures to demonstrate the co-benefits of a carbon sequestration practice, such as
- Soil Water Holding Capacity
- Habitat Creation/Restoration
- Stream Corridor Restored
Searchable list of PMs and their subcategories:
Reporting Guidance
GHG reductions must be based on approved models for California or peer-reviewed data specific to the county in which the activity takes places. Approved models include:
Name |
Accounting Method |
COMET-Planner, COMET-Farm, Compost-Planner, SWEEP GHG Emissions Reduction Calculator, EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, Local Peer-Reviewed, Other
Land Use |
Farm, Ranch, Urban/Suburban, Dairy/Confined Animal Operation
Property Ownership |
Private, Local, State, Federal, Tribal
Type of Mitigation |
Avoided Emission, Sequestered
Targets by Geospatial Area
The following Geospatial Areas have or should have Projects that contribute results for this Performance Measure. If a Geospatial Area has a Target value it is displayed below.