Special Status Reptile Species Habitat
Special Status Reptile Species Habitat
Acre (acres)
Habitat enhanced, restored, created for a federal or state listed species.
Related Resource Area Association
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Expected Performance Measure Results per Project
Reported Performance Measure Results per Project
Additional Information
Reporting Guidance
Critical Definitions
Project Reporting Instructions
Name |
Action Performed |
Enhanced, Restored, Created
Focal Species |
blunt-nosed leopard lizard, San Francisco gartersnake, southern rubber boa, barefoot gecko, green sea turtle, desert tortoise, Alameda whipsnake, giant gartersnake, Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard
Targets by Geospatial Area
The following Geospatial Areas have or should have Projects that contribute results for this Performance Measure. If a Geospatial Area has a Target value it is displayed below.